Instructor Insights

Instructor Insights pages are part of the OCW Educator initiative, which seeks to enhance the value of OCW for educators.

Instructor Insights

On this page and in the episode of the Chalk Radio podcast embedded below, Professor Anna Frebel describes her drive to teach the general public about the history of the cosmos.

Information is power, but it's also wonder. The more you know, the more you know that you don't know anything.

— Prof. Anna Frebel

OCW: Your book, Searching for the Oldest Stars, is aimed at a lay audience, and it seems to be as much about science communication as about the science itself. Why is it important for those of us who are not in your field to be able to understand this work?

Anna Frebel: Well, these times really speak for themselves. People need to have more scientific literacy—and the wonder that goes along with it. I think that's the forgotten point, that so much wonder comes along with knowledge. Information is power, but it's also wonder. The more you know, the more you know that you don't know anything.

That might seem somewhat pessimistic, but it's really an opportunity to open yourself up. People have always asked about the cosmos. It's really, really important as a scientist to make your work accessible. Astronomy is often called a gateway science because the concepts are relatively easy to explain. I really enjoy talking to people about science and helping them to see what’s so fascinating about the cosmos.

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