In this section, Professor Tom Kochan shares that he’d like to find ways to connect people and organizations with course materials that will help them improve the experience of work.

World War II era propaganda poster encouraging unity between labor and management. (Image is in the public domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.)
There are people out there who need assistance thinking about their careers, and there are organizations struggling to change in ways that improve both the performance of the organizations and the quality of work they provide employees. I want to keep searching for ways to reach these audiences more effectively.
We’ve only begun to tap into ways we can reach a wide audience with our course materials. The potential is enormous.
— Tom Kochan
We’ve only begun to tap into ways we can reach a wide audience with our course materials. The potential is enormous. I would love to see a repository, like MIT OpenCourseWare, of course materials focused on work and employment—one I could use to share the materials I develop and from which I could draw on content developed by colleagues from all over the world. I’d love to see this become a reality. If 15.662x Shaping the Future of Work serves as a prototype for my colleagues at other universities, and we get creative people generating a portfolio of good material, I’ll consider the course a real success.