How Far Are You Willing to Go outside Your Area of Expertise?


SARAH HANSEN: Is there anything else you'd like to share about facilitating an experience like this that we haven't touched on yet?

ANJALI SASTRY: I think one of the challenges that an instructor has to balance is, how far am I willing to go outside of my domain of expertise? How much do I know about the block chain? That's not an area of my research. So how far do I want to go down a set of projects that take that on. I need to be able to figure it out for myself and then also be very clear with the students.

I'm interested in this topic. I'll learn with you. But my domain of expertise relates to these areas. We can apply it to your questions. We can apply systems thinking, or organizational change, or business models to the questions you're articulating. But I am not the technical expert on this domain. So you'll need to work with someone else on that. And different instructors have different interests in stepping out of their comfort zone. So I think that's really important.

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