1 | What is the History of Science |
Galison, Peter. "Ten Problems in History and Philosophy of Science." Isis 99, no. 1 (2008): 111–24. Daston, Lorraine. Dear, Peter, and Sheila Jasanoff. "Dismantling Boundaries in Science and Technology Studies." Isis 101, no. 4 (2010): 759–74. Alder, Ken. "The History of Science as Oxymoron: From Scientific Exceptionalism to Episcience." Isis 104, no. 1 (2013): 88–101. |
2 | Bodies of Knowledge |
Kuriyama, Shigehisa. The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine. Zone Books, 2002. ISBN: 9780942299892. Lawrence, Christopher, and Steven Shapin. "Introduction." In Science Incarnate: Historical Embodiments of Natural Knowledge. University of Chicago Press, 1998, pp.1–19. ISBN: 9780226470146. [Preview with Google Books] Duden, Barbara. "Medicine and the History of the Body." In The Social Construction of Illness: Historical, Sociological & Anthropological Perspectives." Edited by J. Lachmund and G. Stollberg. Coronet Books Incorporated, 1992. ISBN: 9783515058391. |
3 | Wonders and Monsters | Daston, Lorraine, and Katharine Park. Wonders and the Order of Nature, 1150–1750. Zone Books, 2001. ISBN: 9780942299915. |
4 | Scientific Revolution I: Society | Schaffer, Simon, and Steven Shapin. Leviathan and the Air–Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life. Princeton University Press, 2011. Read Introduction. ISBN: 9780691150208. [Preview with Google Books] |
5 | Scientific Revolution II: Culture | Harkness, Deborah. The Jewel House: Elizabethan London and the Scientific Revolution. Yale University Press, 2008. ISBN: 9780300143164. |
6 | Scientific Revolution III: Economics |
Cook, Harold J. Matters of Exchange: Commerce, Medicine, and Science in the Dutch Golden Age. Yale University Press, 2008. ISBN: 9780300143218. Or Schiebinger, Londa L. Plants and Empire: Colonial Bioprospecting in the Atlantic World. Harvard University Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780674025684. |
7 | Enlightened Scientists |
Terrall, Mary. The Man Who Flattened the Earth : Maupertuis and the Sciences in the Enlightenment. University of Chicago Press, 2006. ISBN: 9780226793610. Daston, Lorraine, and H. Otto Sibum. "Introduction: Scientific Personae and Their Histories." Science in Context 16, no. 1–2 (2003): 1–8. |
8 | Narrating Evolution |
Secord, James A. Victorian Sensation: The Extraordinary Publication, Reception, and Secret Authorship of Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. University of Chicago Press, 2003. ISBN: 9780226744117. [Preview with Google Books] Or Browne, Janet. Charles Darwin: The Power of Place. Princeton University Press, 2003. ISBN: 9780691114392. |
9 | Vision and Objectivity |
Datson, Lorraine, and Peter Galison. Objectivity. Zone Books, 2010. ISBN: 9781890951795. Or Porter, Theodore M. Trust in Numbers The Pursuit of Objectivity in Science and Public Life. Princeton University Press, 1996. ISBN: 9780691029085. |
10 | Experimental Lives and Lives of Experiments |
Kohler, Robert E. Lords of the Fly: Drosophila Genetics and the Experimental Life. University of Chicago Press, 1994. ISBN: 9780226450636. [Preview with Google Books] Rheinberger, Hans–Jörg. "Experimental Systems: Historiality, Narration, and Deconstruction." Science in Context 7, no. 1 (1994): 65–81. |
11 | Big Science |
And Galison, Peter. Image and Logic: A Material Culture of Microphysics. University of Chicago Press, 1997. ISBN: 9780226279176. [Preview with Google Books] Or
12 | Science, Empire, and Modernity |
Mitchell, Timothy. Rule of Experts: Egypt, Techno–Politics, Modernity. University of California Press, 2002. ISBN: 9780520232624. [Preview with Google Books] Chambers, David Wade, and Richard Gillespie. "Locality in the History of Science: Colonial Science, Technoscience, and Indigenous Knowledge." Osiris 15 (2000): 221–40. |
13 | Technoscience |
Forman, Paul. "On the Historical Forms of Knowledge Production and Curation: Modernity Entailed Disciplinarity, Postmodernity Entails Antidisciplinarity." Osiris 27, no. 1 (2012): 56–97. And Shapin, Steven. The Scientific Life: A Moral History of a Late Modern Vocation. University of Chicago Press, 2010. ISBN: 9780226750255. Or Murphy, Michelle. Sick Building Syndrome and the Problem of Uncertainty : Environmental Politics, Technoscience, and Women Workers. Duke University Press, 2006. ISBN: 9780822336716. [Preview with Google Books] Or Turner, Fred. From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network, and the Rise of Digital Utopianism. University of Chicago Press, 2008. ISBN: 9780226817422. |