OCW is accessed by a broadly international population of educators and learners.
MIT OpenCourseWare receives millions of visits each year. These visits come from all over the world, with over half coming from outside of North America:

Our audience is divided among students, educators, and self-learners:
MIT OpenCourseWare is being successfully used for a wide range of purposes.
Use Scenario | % of Use |
Educators | Improve personal knowledge | 31% |
Learn new teaching methods | 23% |
Incorporate OCW materials into a course | 20% |
Find reference material for my students | 15% |
Develop curriculum for my department or school | 8% |
Students | Enhance personal knowledge | 46% |
Complement a current course | 34% |
Plan a course of study | 16% |
Self Learners | Explore areas outside my professional field | 40% |
Review basic concepts in my professional field | 18% |
Prepare for future course of study | 18% |
Keep current with developments in my field | 17% |
Complete a work-related project or task | 4% |
MIT OpenCourseWare has already had significant impact and visitors expect even greater impact in the future.
- 80% of visitors rate OCW's impact as extremely positive or positive; 91% expect that level of future impact.
- 96% of educators say the site has/will help improve courses.
- 96% of visitors would recommend the site.
Learn more about MIT OpenCourseWare's impact
2020 Report summary (PDF)
2019 Report summary (PDF)
2011 Report summary (PDF)
2009 Report summary (PDF)
2005 Report summary (PDF)
Full 2005 Evaluation Report (PDF - 15MB)
Learn more about MIT OpenCourseWare's monthly statistics on publication, web traffic, and feedback.
Read the latest report
Impact of OCW
The impact of OCW can be best described by the thousands of learners who use OCW every day. We welcome you to read a compilation of some of the inspirational feedback we've received over the years.

Some Description
As Taught In
Spring 2002
Course Number
Lecture Notes, Student Work