Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid made of cornstarch and water. Its viscosity increases with the rate of shear strain, also known as shear-thickening. This physical property allows a fun oobleck walk. (Taken at the Beakerhead event in Calgary, Canada; Image courtesy of Kelly Hofer. Used with permission.)
Prof. Robert Armstrong
Prof. Gareth McKinley
MIT Course Number
2.341J / 10.531J
As Taught In
Spring 2016
Course Description
Course Features
Course Description
The topics cover physical phenomena in polymeric liquids undergoing deformation and flow; kinematics and material functions for complex fluids; techniques of viscometry, rheometry; and linear viscoelastic measurements for polymeric fluids. Also, generalized Newtonian fluids; continuum mechnanics, frame invariance, and convected derivatives for finite strain viscoelasticity; differential and integral constitutive equations for viscoelastic fluids; analytical solutions to isothermal and non-isothermal flow problems; the roles of non-Newtonian viscosity, linear viscoelasticity, normal stresses, elastic recoil, stress relaxation in processing flows; and introduction to molecular theories for dynamics of polymeric fluids. (Extensive class project and presentation required instead of a final exam).