Home » Courses » Engineering Systems Division » Engineering Ethics » Audio Lectures » 23: Human Flourishing
Lecturer: Dr. Taft Broome
23: Human Flourishing
1: Faculty Introduction
3: Introduction to Ethics I...
4: Introduction to Philosop...
5: Introduction to Philosop...
6: Introduction to Engineer...
7: Case Studies: Finish Cha...
8: Case Studies: Chernobyl,...
9: Case Studies (cont.): Ne...
10: Case Studies: Chernobyl...
11: Case Studies: B. F. Goo...
12: First Principles of Eng...
13: Solving Ethical Problem...
14: Individual, Professiona...
15: Leadership in Engineeri...
16: Competency with Good Ch...
17: Recap of Semester so Fa...
18: Codes of Ethics (cont.)
19: Safety; Introduction to...
20: Ethical Terminology
21: Planning for Public Sem...
22: Public Seminar on Narra...
24: Student Presentation